New Releases
We have seen 2 huge new albums from Victory Records this week. On Monday Broadside and Victorian Halls unleashed some incredible new music, and neither band has disappointed. Broadside's Old Bones has the power to transport any pop punk defender back to the good old days when the movement was first starting. They have also released their brand new video for Damaged Kids off the album, be sure to check it out.
It really excites me when festival coverage starts popping up on my TV, and the extreme mixture of genres at Radio 1's Big Weekend means it is the perfect way to get everyone hyped for the British festival season (one of the best in the world). With amazing bands like Fall Out Boy, the Foo Fighters and Muse, the weekend is bound to set the standards high for the rest of the summer.
I have been doing a bit of digging this week and found some little crackers for you all to soak up and enjoy over the next week. The first song comes from a group of guys hailing from Cheshire in England. Indigo Shores are a relatively new band with some big plans for the future. If this band don't take you back to the summers of the late 2000s with their indie riffs and catchy lyrics, are you sure you sure you lived through them?!
A little bit of credit must go to Spotify this week for throwing this amazing cover of Dark Horse at me. I was (unfortunately) a bit of a fan of the original when it first came out, but like most pop songs it became tired and overplayed. Listening to Our Last Night's over of the sugar coated anthem was like listening to a completely different song and actually brings a whole new level of darkness to Katy Perry's hit.
Let me know what you have been loving this week and if there is anything I should feature in next week's round up!
Good luck!